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Off Spec Crude Oil

Off-spec crude oil is a kind of crude oil that doesn’t meet the quality requirements the petroleum industry establishes. Basic sediment and water content are the main distinctions between crude oil and off-spec crude oil.

While crude oil normally has a BS&W content of 0.5% or less, off-spec crude oil can have a BS&W content of 2% or greater. Off-spec crude oil may be harder to process and provide final goods of lower quality due to its higher impurities.

Ranchh Oil purchases off-spec oil and cleans it to a quality accepted by the entire industry. The oil may come from the lease, be skim oil, or be produced waste oil that has been extracted using centrifugal techniques.

Tank Bottoms

The accumulation of hydrocarbon material and other elements that naturally settle below crude oil in tanks and other containers used for processing and storing crude oil is known as a tank bottom. This accumulation contains enough basic sediment and water (BS&W) to make it unsuitable for sale. A tank bottom is restricted to the volume of the tank it is contained in that is below the bottom of the pipeline outlet with regard to lease production and for lease storage tanks.

With a solids concentration of 50% or less, Ranchh Oil will accept the majority of Tank Bottoms.  In other instances, we do so in exchange for barrels of virgin, marketable crude oil or barrels of more controllable off-spec or skim crude oil that have been agreed upon.

Distilled Solvents

Solvent distillation is the process of separation that involves the application of heat to separate liquid mixture of two or more substances. A solvent mixture (spent solvent) is heated to the boiling point of the solvent. As a vapor, it’s then piped away to a new storage container where it will cool and re-condense to near virgin quality. When the process is finished you are left with a pure, distilled solvent that can be reused. In the other container you’ll be left with the waste that must be disposed of accordingly. The following solvents and chemicals are ones we work with:



Toluene is typically used in the production of paints, rubber, lacquers, glues and adhesives to help dry, dissolve and thin other substances. It is also used in the production process to make other chemicals, including benzene, nylon, plastics, and polyurethane and in the synthesis of trinitrotoluene, benzoic acid, benzoyl chloride and toluene diisocyanate.


Xylenes is an organic, volatile hydrocarbon. If you have ever encountered this substance, you’ll agree that it is a sickly sweet-smelling one but it can be quite useful actually. A lot of industrial sectors, including family products, dentistry and medicine are making wide use of it.


Hexane is a chemical solvent that presents as a clear, odorless liquid that has a high evaporation rate and low boiling point, which makes hexane an ideal chemical for extraction. Hexane is a common solvent for inks, varnishes, and glues such rubber cement and adhesives. In the printing business, hexane is often employed as a degreaser and cleaning agent.


Naphtha is a liquid hydrocarbon mixture which is said to be highly flammable. It is utilized as a solvent in various human industries and is quite volatile. It is quite useful and acts as a great solvent. It may be used more easily as a diluent for paints, asphalt, and varnish since it has a low evaporation point. In addition, it is quite useful for the dry-cleaning industry and turpentine repacking dealers used to blend with turpentine (MTO).


 Acetone is a manufactured chemical that is also found naturally in the environment. It is a colorless liquid with a distinct smell and taste. It evaporates easily, is flammable, and dissolves in water. It is also called dimethyl ketone, 2-propanone, and beta-ketopropane. Acetone is used to make plastic, fibers, drugs, and other chemicals. It is also used to dissolve other substances.


Cyclohexanone is a chemical widely used as an organic solvent for many purposes. It’s an organic compound consisting of six carbon cyclic molecules with a ketone functional group. It occurs naturally in crude oil but also is manufactured synthetically. It’s one of the major ingredients in the production of nylon. Cyclohexanone is used as a solvent for lacquers, paints, resins, degreasers, spot removers, polymers, copolymers, waxes, crude rubber, cellulose acetate, the manufacturing of herbicides and anihistamines.


N-Methylpyrrolidone (NMP) is a solvent used in a variety of industries and applications, such as paint and coating removal, petrochemical processing, engineering plastics coatings, agricultural chemicals, electronic cleaning and industrial/domestic cleaning.

Ethyl Acetate

Ethyl acetate is primarily used as a solvent and diluent in chemical laboratories for column and thin-layer chromatography to purify chemical compounds. It is also used as a solvent in making paints, lacquers, varnishes, cleaning liquids, artificial leather, smokeless powder, photographic films, artificial silk, etc.

Butyl Acetate

Butyl Acetate is also known as butyl ethanoate. It is a colorless and flammable liquid.  It is found in many types of fruit, where along with other chemicals, it imparts characteristic flavors and has a sweet smell of banana or apple. It is used as a synthetic fruit flavoring in foods such as candy, ice cream, cheeses, and baked goods. Butyl acetate is often used as a high-boiling solvent of moderate polarity. It is also used as a solvent in nail polish along with ethyl acetate.

Used Engine Oil

Any synthetic or petroleum-based oil that has been used is what the term “used oil” suggests. Our lawnmowers, autos, and numerous other devices all function smoothly thanks to oil. However, through routine use, contaminants like dirt, metal scrapings, water, or chemicals can get mixed into the oil, which over time causes the oil to lose its effectiveness. For the task to be completed effectively, virgin or re-refined oil must eventually take the place of this used oil.

Used oil can be re-refined into lubricants, processed into fuel oils, and used as raw materials for the refining and petrochemical industries. Additionally, used oil filters contain reusable scrap metal, which steel producers can reuse as scrap feed.

Mixed Hydrocarbon Oil (MHO – Light and Heavy)

Mixed hydrocarbon oil is a petroleum-based substance with a consistency of 0.79 to 0.82. It is a product that has lower density and low uniformity that is utilized as raw material. It’s a blend of vibrant oils that includes both lighter and heavier oils. They are used as lubricants, fuels, and raw materials for making industrial chemicals, polymers, fibers, rubber, solvents, and explosives.

Used oil can be re-refined into lubricants, processed into fuel oils, and used as raw materials for the refining and petrochemical industries. Additionally, used oil filters contain reusable scrap metal, which steel producers can reuse as scrap feed.

Recycled Base Oil

Recycled Base oil is eco-friendly. It generates lower carbon emissions than virgin base oil. The process of production of virgin base oil is energy intensive. It generates higher emissions of carbon. Rise in focus on sustainability of the environment across the globe is providing significant opportunities to the global recycled base oil market. Rise in investments in research and development of the re-refining process and improvement in the quality of recycled base oil are other major factors driving the global recycled base oil market. Increase in number of automobiles across the globe is also driving the demand for lubricants. Petrochemicals sources are depleting the increasing prices of crude oil are encouraging oil manufacturers to seek new method to re-refine and utilise waste oil.


Bitumen is a low-grade of crude oil which is composed of complex, heavy hydrocarbons. In an oil reservoir, bitumen is a thick, viscous fluid and must be extracted from the ground. When extracting it, a lot of heat and effort must be used to upgrade it to a better product. Although bitumen is hard to extract from the ground, it can bubble naturally to the surface of the Earth in petroleum seeps. These seeps are places where fossil fuels and petroleum products leak out of the Earth instead of being trapped deep below the ground. In these seeps, bitumen, asphalt, and tar bubble up into pools. Additionally, bitumen is the main fossil fuel component of oil sands. When bitumen combines with asphaltines a solid is formed that is useful for paving roads.

White spirit

The most important and main application of white Sprite solvent is in paints and resins industry. Other applications of this material as cleaning solvent, solvent for aerosols, varnishes, washing solvents, asphalt products. White Sprite is one of the most important solvents used in paints and thinners. This chemical can also be used as a paint thinner and due to its heavy composition, it has less volatility than similar materials. This feature increases the drying time of the paint and limits the use in areas with high humidity. This solvent has a lower price than hydrocarbon solvents, so to reduce the price of mixed thinners, it is added to the paint. The use of this chemical is also recommended for people who work long hours with paints due to its low odor.

Recycle Furnace Oil
Fuel oil, also called furnace oil, fuel consisting mainly of residues from crude-oil distillation. It is used primarily for steam boilers in power plants, aboard ships, and in industrial plants. Commercial fuel oils usually are blended with other petroleum fractions to produce the desired viscosity and flash point. Flash point is usually higher than that of kerosene. The term fuel oil ordinarily does not include such fuels as kerosene.